Performance Boost free of charge!
To use the MultiCore functionality under Windows 10, the "Performance Boost" option from HELITRONIC TOOL STUDIO is required. If you do not have this option pre-installed on your machines, we will provide it free of charge when you purchase an upgrade of your FANUC controller to Windows 10.
This should also be the maxim in your production!
This “FANUC Performance Package Win 10” control upgrade immediately increases productivity in your production, increases IT system security and enables the use of future versions of HELITRONIC TOOL STUDIO and Pro Grind.
This upgrade is available for all WALTER and EWAG grinding and eroding machines with a FANUC control.
Now also für our COMPACT LINE machine.

- Analogue to your current machine configuration, an up-to-date MMI computer with 15" or 19" touch screen monitor is installed
- INTEL Xeon® processor with “Hyperthreading technology”, which can process up to 8 tasks (threads) in parallel
- Additional acceleration of computing performance through the use of 64-bit architecture instead of the previous 32 bit

«So far, we have produced complex drills on a HELITRONIC BASIC with Windows XP. The tool simulation of a step drill with reverse countersinking (see picture on the right) took 2 minutes and 5 seconds. After the control upgrade of the machine with the FANUC Performance Package WIN 10, this time was reduced to only 21 seconds. Since we produce small batches in particular, the upgrade paid for itself after a short time thanks to the increase in productivity achieved.»
Sven Rehfuß, Rehfuß Werkzeugschleiftechnik
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