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  5. First graduates of the Walter Future program in Kuřim

First graduates of the Walter Future program in Kuřim

At the Walter s.r.o. plant in Kuřim, the first three participants completed the Walter Future program at the end of June 2024. After passing the final exam, they were ceremoniously presented with a certificate of completion. 

For ten months, the young participants had the opportunity to deepen the knowledge and skills they had acquired during their studies at WALTER. At our production plant in Kuřim, they encountered modern technologies and a unique production line. They got to know the workplaces in the areas of assembly, mechanical production and logistics and worked in the individual departments to solve various technical tasks. They gained a lot of practical experience in the assembly of machines and systems, but also learned about less common activities such as scraping. And because they were able to go through the entire assembly process, they gained a good understanding of the engineering of all the machines we manufacture. At frequent meetings, they shared their experiences and new insights with each other.

Towards the end of the first year, we asked the supervisors how they rated the young participants. They agreed that they were a very capable group. "They are not afraid to ask questions, they are hard-working, they enjoy learning new things and at the same time can learn from mistakes. They also fit in well with the team."

Due to the positive evaluations and the good final examinations, we have made all graduates of the Walter Future program an offer of employment. We are very pleased that they have all accepted this offer and are now part of our WALTER team.

What is the Walter Future program?

The Walter Future program at our production plant in Kuřim is aimed at young graduates of technical schools who have not yet gained any professional experience. This is WALTER's response to the demand in the Czech Republic for graduates who can gain practical experience directly in companies without being integrated into the production process straight away.

The next application phase for the second cohort has been underway since June and we are delighted to be recruiting more candidates for the graduation program.

More information about Walter Future and how to apply for the program can be found here (only available in Czech).
